PFT #5: Exam Hall

Click, tap, flip, rustle Brains whirring into high gear ~~~ Sneeze, scribble, sniff, shuffle Equal parts determination and fear ~~~ Creak, cough, squeak, bustle Testing sounds are all you hear Author's Note: Written 2/8/22 and inspired by the sounds during an exam. Each and every sound occurred multiple times during that exam I invigilated, and …

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PFT #4: Storm | Still

Tears drip from the clouds Pattering on windshield glass Headlights beam through rain ~~~~~ Driving under roof Sudden silence, stillness spreads Wipers stop to rest Author's Note: This pair of haikus was written one rainy morning, inspired by the change in sound when driving out of the rain into the parking garage. (29/7/22)